School Timetable generator NET based

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코드 샘플 요청 다이렉트 메세지

Sep 13, 2021

공개 채팅

제품 세부 정보

.NET Project to generate school timetable , the project is built by using C#,ASP.NET MVC, Kendo controls, jquery , SQL database, EF,

With OS timetable generator program, you can create the school's
academic timetable in a few minutes, as the program distributes lessons
in a regular manner that ensures fairness among teachers with the
ability to modify the timetable in a very easy way. Eliminate the hassle
of creating your school's study timetable and join us with OS timetable
generator program

this code handle the timetable generation issue for more details
demo link
more description

File Tree

  • 📁 School Timetable generator NET based

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평균 가격
최저 가격
AI 가격 예측


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